Pres. Raisi: Raising awareness about Palestine should be at the centre of the activity of mosques in Islamic lands
The President called unity and cohesion one of the most essential needs of the Islamic world today and stated, "Another important function of mosques is to create unity and cohesion among the Islamic Ummah, and mosques can play an effective role in this field".
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Also during his visit, the President had a short meeting with the imam of this mosque and stated, "Today, raising awareness about the oppressed Palestinian Muslims in Gaza is the main issue of the Islamic world, but also the world of humanity, which should be the centre of activities of mosques in Islamic lands".
Referring to the role of Algerian mosques in creating mobility and awareness and mobilising popular forces during the colonial period, Dr Raisi said, "Imam Khomeini (RA), the founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, considered mosques to be a bastion of fighting against deviance and oppression".
The President called unity and cohesion one of the most essential needs of the Islamic world today and stated, "Another important function of mosques is to create unity and cohesion among the Islamic Ummah, and mosques can play an effective role in this field".
Stating that fortunately, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Algeria have a single position on the Palestinian issue, Dr Raisi clarified, "If the same common positions in supporting the oppressed Palestinian nation and confronting the Zionist regime existed in the entire Islamic world, would the Zionists dare to commit such a crime against the Palestinian oppressors?"
The President further emphasised the readiness of the Islamic Republic of Iran to expand cultural relations between the two countries of Iran and Algeria, cantered on mosques, in the direction of increasing knowledge, increasing knowledge and creating unity and cohesion in the Islamic world.
In this meeting, the Imam of the Grant Mosque of Algeria, while presenting a report on the history of the construction of this mosque, pointed out, "The Algerian nation returned independence to this land despite the efforts of colonial powers".
He also valued Iran's positions towards the Palestinian issue and expressed hope that other Islamic countries also take steps in this path.